Fascial Stretch Therapy


What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?

  • It is a unique therapy system of assisted stretching which focuses on increasing mobility of muscles, joints, and connective tissue. While on the massage treatment table, the therapist gently guides the client into specific stretches to facilitate relaxation, healing movement, and tissue release.

  • Fascial stretch therapy uses a lot of traction, creating more space within joint capsules, and creating an increase in range of motion that can at times be immediate.

What to expect in an FST session:

Corinne Maxfield, our Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist

Corinne Maxfield, our Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist

  • The client will lay on a cushioned therapy table, the body secured with a comfortable strap and relaxing entirely as the therapist moves the limbs through all angles and ranges.

  • The therapist will focus on reading the connective tissue and gently encouraging the myofascia to melt tension away.

  • The client focuses on breath and relaxation, giving the therapist their full weight. Some clients fall asleep during their session! This pain-free stretching technique improves flexibility on the first session and becomes cumulative with multiple sessions.

Benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy:

  • Creates optimal circulation in your muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain and spinal cord

  • Manipulates, lengthens, realigns & reorganizes your fascia

  • Eliminates trigger points

  • Improves muscle activation, relaxation, posture, and functional ability

  • Restores healthy joint space

  • Restores sports performance

  • Reduces injury risk

  • Reduces or eliminates tight muscles, joints, pain, and stress

  • Puts the body into a parasympathetic nervous system state for restoration and repair 

This technique involves constant motion and glide through the entire body, moving through the myofascial meridians, therapeutically addressing these movements through gentle traction which grants clients access to limited or unused ranges of motion. This scientifically reviewed method was originally designed by physical therapists for professional athletes and dancers, and is now used extensively for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellness - even doctors are beginning to prescribe it as therapy for patients!


  • 1 Hour Session : $120

  • Package of 5 sessions : $550 ($110 per session)

  • Package of 10 Session : $950 ($95 per session, save $250)

  • Intro Session : $85

  • New Client Special - 5 sessions : $475 ($95 per session)